Friday, May 30, 2003

They Were Good To Him

It hadn't been just any job. It was a job with bright people who did their work well. It was a fun job with people who loved what they did. And the company had always been good to him.

They were good to him when the times were great, when the contracts were won and new tasks begun.

They were good to him when the times got harder, asking for advice, listening to suggestions.

They were good to him when the times were bad, hiring him back when the bubble burst, finding work when the work wore thin.

They had always been good to him. And this made his leaving all the more hard. How could he tell them he was leaving again? How could he put another problem on top of their pile?

So although the sun was shining brightly on a new tomorrow, and his heart and mind raced to embrace the possibilities, he dreaded this day, because they had always been so good to him.

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