Saturday, July 5, 2003

Norma on the Hilltop

The sky was dark. The clouds raced on a wind out of the east. The summer sun was mercifully held at bay.

At 6:00am the runners assembled, sleepy faces and stiff bodies. They gathered and listened to a few words from the coach and then turned to run. Five miles on the trail and then nine on Scenic.

Scenic Loop is scenic alright. At the top of the hill, with your heart racing and your legs aching, there's quite a good view to be had. But when you get to the top, the view is not what you're interested in. Instead, it's the cold water sitting by the road, put there an hour before by the coach making his rounds.

The runners come and go in groups. Some doing 14 miles. Some doing more. And some doing fewer. Some run fast. Some not so fast, content with the challenge of the hills. Some run in groups. But by the halfway point, many are alone.

Beyond Scenic, there's Balcones. And three long hills. The road climbs and winds under stately oaks extending their branches (and welcome shade on sunny days). At the top, where Balcones turns sharply and meets Mt. Bonnell Road, there's a blue jug of Gatorade. This is the turnaround spot. This is where you get to stop for a moment before you begin your descent and your run back home.

There at the top of the hill, by the curb, by the blue jug and paper cups, I slowed to a walk. A woman walked down from her garage to set out her recycling. She has lived there for 42 years, in that house on the hill. Seen a daughter grow up. Watching a grandson do the same.

She smiled as she limped. Her feet hurt. Her husband is very sick. Enjoy it while you can, she said.

And we talked for a while.

Thank you for letting us use your lawn, I said as I guzzled three cups of Gatorade.

You're welcome.

She slowly walked back to her garage. I turned downhill, facing into the breeze. The sky was black. The clouds were racing on a wind out of the east. And it was beginning to rain.

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