Sunday, July 6, 2003

A Spider on the Wall

Standing in the shower with the hot water beating on my back, I felt a presence behind me: eyes watching my every move. Slowly I turned...

Behind me against the wall, behind me on the wall, an eight legged stranger looked at me. With the hot water still beating down, I stood watching it. It watched me back. I turned back around and continued my shower.

Then I reached for the shampoo on the tray on the wall where the spider was. As I turned, the spider lept into the space between us. Suspended from an invisible thread, it tumbled violently downward as it passed thru the streaming water.

I stepped back and watched.

For a moment, it hung from its thread -- gathering its wits, I supposed. It hung there, and then gradually began descending. Descending to what? The bottom of the tub was filled with water racing to the drain. Still, the spider lowered itself and eventually landed in the water at my feet.

I stepped back and watched.

As it hit bottom, it curled into a ball -- so better to float, I supposed. And float it did, in the swirling water, going 'round in spirals approaching the drain. Once around. Twice around. And then the spider was gone.

I stepped forward and finished shampooing my hair.

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