Wednesday, August 13, 2003

Summer Night in St. Louis

They ran from under the stainless steel arch to the top of the hill, soft grass under their feet, night sky overhead, the spot-lit dome of the old capitol shining in the distance behind them.

They ran up and their silhouettes stood at the top, one jumping with arms upraised, another collapsed onto the ground from his sprint to the finish. A third stood still against the light.

Then they ran back down. And when they arrived, when they were back at the place in the grass where they had left their shoes and frisbees and other things, the tiny slits of window light high at the top of the arch went dark, and the spot lights came on.

First one. Then another. Then another and another, until dozens of beams shot at slanting angles thru the dark, and the steel skin of the arch burst into white flame against the summer night sky.

Gateway Arch, St. Louis MO

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