Saturday, August 16, 2003

There's Water

The morning run was short. The air was cool even after the sun came up, and the sky was blue, and the grass and trees were green after the rains of a few days before.

He stepped into the shower with a smile on his face, a good way to start a Saturday. He sang to himself as he shampooed his hair. His wife came into the bathroom.

Oh! she exclaimed. Oh, the water!

He mumbled, What?

The water. There's water. Everywhere.

What? he said again, rinsing the shampoo out of his eyes so he could see what she was talking about.

The water. There's water. Where's it coming from!? Oh!

The sink. It was the sink. It was full, and water was flowing over the edge and running down the cabinets onto the floor.

He had put his running shirt in the sink to rinse the blood stains away, and he left the water running. He left the water running in the sink and walked away! He walked away from the running faucet and never thought about it again -- until she walked in and said, Oh!

So it begins.

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