Wednesday, November 2, 2005

Halloween on the Cul-de-Sac

There was an odd looking robot with a doctor's jacket standing at the doorway motioning visitors to come in. And across from him there was a frightfully cheerful, red-striped, red-haired, red-freckled Pippi/Raggedy Annish woman handing out candy.

A little boy stood half-way down the driveway peering between them into the haunted garage. He would not come any closer.

Just inside, a disembodied head spoke in growls and laughed in snarls. Spiders scrambled down the walls at the slightest sound. Tall skeleton-faced and faceless statues robed in black lined the hallway and reached out at those who walked by. A goblin in black sat motionless on the floor, his face hidden in shadows, his arms waiting to grab.

The boy saw this from his position halfway down the drive. There was a look on his face of curiosity. But it was mixed with fright, and there was no way he was coming any closer.

In the back room, flames lept out of a cauldron, and a rag-doll child lay with a pale white face in a heap in the corner, his eyes staring out from deep-sunken sockets, his slumping body looking as if he had no bones. An old woman with staring eyes walked visitors into the room and pointed out her rag-doll boy on the floor and cautioned all to look out for the bones -- at which point a skeleton descended from a hole in the ceiling and the woman started screaming.

The boy watched all this from where he stood, and when the screams started, his eyes widened, and he took a step backwards. No, there was no way he was coming any closer.

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