Monday, November 28, 2005

Dinner at the Diner

The Blanco Bowling Club is a fixture of the old courthouse square. On Tuesdays thru Thursdays, there's 9-pin bowling in back. Tonite is Friday, and the back room is quiet. The waitresses stand behind the counter as customers arrive for dinner. Friday Special: all you can eat catfish with one trip to the salad bar. The place is almost full.

A man and his wife: she faces the door, he watches the wall. Another man and another wife: he scowls and sits down when she suggests they say hello to a couple across the room. A kid comes in, nods to the waitresses behind the counter and sits at a table by himself.

They all know each other, these people, even the kid.

Four strangers walk in -- two men and two women. Dressed like tourists, with fleece vests and jackets and camera cases hanging from their belts, they don't quite fit here as the locals seem to. They pass on the special and order hot sandwiches.

One of them takes out a camera and passes it around. "Here let me show you," one of the others says. He tinkers with the buttons and passes it around again. One of them starts laughing. She passes the camera on, and the next of them starts laughing. So it goes around the table.

They laugh so hard, they cannot stop. Tears threaten to run from their eyes. They make a terrible racket in that small room, drawing attention to themselves. In spite of the glances from the locals, they laugh louder and louder.

Which is fine, I suppose, because the locals begin to catch it too, smiles breaking on several faces as they watch this spectacle of comedy in the middle of the diner and wonder what on earth could be so funny.

Blanco Bowling Club
Blanco, TX

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