Friday, April 7, 2006


Who celebrated victory before the job was done? He did.
Who decreed international treaties obsolete and void? He did.
Who thumbed his nose at his allies who saw things differently? He did.
Whose generals looked the other way as dogs bit and prisoners died? His did.
Whose planes secretly flew to dark corners of the world where more than dogs awaited? His did.
Who lost the hearts and minds of the Middle East? He did.
Who lied to the world with pride? He did.
Who bankrupted the nation? He did.
Who spat on the social contract and ground it into the dirt? He did.

He did. His did. He did. It was he who used that day in September to turn the nation against itself and everything it stood for. It was by his actions that the nation turned.

But what has turned once, can turn again, even though it take two generations to do.


Waiting for the day.

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