Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Creepy Old People

The weather was perfect for the occasion. Thanks to the time change a week before, there was no light left in the sky even though it was still quite early. The wind made our candles flicker, and there was a chill in the air.

Trudy and I sat in front waiting for the kids to come. I donned my robot mask again. She sat with a flying monkey in her lap. A cauldron of candy was on the walkway between us.

Look. Let's go to that house, Trudy heard someone say from the shadows on the sidewalk across the street. There are creepy old people there.

Creepy old people, maybe, but you should have seen the looks on the little kids' faces as they stared glassy-eyed at my robot head and listened almost mesmerized to my robot voice drone, Come-this-way. We-have-candy. Please-take-candy. And you should have seen their struggles to comprehend as I pointed to bell-bedecked creature crouched beside the fair and industrious Trudy and asked, Do-you-like-our-monkey?

Creepy old people, indeed.

Halloween 2006
Austin Texas

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