Thursday, June 4, 2009

Celebrating The Rain

The lightning that was flashing in the distance when we went to bed... That lightning that I poo-poo'd, thinking that nothing up near Burnet would come our way... It came, and it brought thunder with it.

Some time late in the night it woke us up -- a couple tell-tale rumbles and a breeze beginning to blow and the first few drops of rain with a sound that makes you think there's plenty more to come.

I sat upright in bed with images of the boats down at the waterfront blowing loose. I pictured myself running down the sandy steps and picking up the toys and towels that were left behind.

But were are no boats. There were no stairs. There is no waterfront outside our door. The habit of a long-ago childhood is just wired into my brain, which began running thru the things that might need tending before the storm arrived. And the thunder was getting louder.

I ran into the back yard in my underwear and let down the patio umbrella. And I ran into the front yard and made sure the car windows were up. In my underwear I did this, which made Trudy laugh hard when I told her later. And big drops of cold rain started to fall.

I went inside, and from behind the storm door I watched the rain come down. I saw the leaves start to blow. And I saw a toad hopping along on the sidewalk, which was quite sufficient for me. There was nothing more to do. Nothing more to tend to. And a toad was out out celebrating the rain.

I went back to bed and fell fast asleep.

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