Roland Piquepaille's Technology Trends
How new technologies are modifying our way of life

jeudi 6 juin 2002

This is  a story which could happen to all of us.

The man in charge of archiving and maintaining electronic copies of Norway's most important historical documents is dead and so is access to those archives.
So the director of the Norwegian cultural center is pleading for hackers to help him crack the center's password-protected database.
The problem started when the technician responsible for the archives at Norway's National Center of Language and Culture never divulged the password before he died a few years ago.
Since then, employees at the center have been unable to access some of the password-protected archives that contain data on a collection of thousands of documents and books.

Michelle Delio also mentions that some people are using a program named Dead Man's Switch in order to tell other people that you are -- potentially -- dead if you don't reset a switch.

You can find this program here. And you'll read this.

"Dead Man's Switch" came up, which is basically a system that, if not reset by a given time, will automatically carry out a series of tasks, such as posting messages to websites like Ars, sending e-mails to loved ones (or hated ones), and encrypting or destroying sensitive files.

Sources: Michelle Delio, Wired News, June 5, 2002; Daisyman at Arsware

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