Updated: 5/20/02; 3:53:15 PM.
Stone Design: Stone Studio
The rants, raves, requests, redolent random reverberations of the Stone Design software team, led by Andrew Stone - who has been developing in Cocoa since 1989 when it began as NeXTStep. Learn secret tricks of Create, PhotoToWeb, GIFfun, SliceAndDice, TimeEqualsMoney, PackUpAndGo, PStill, TrueBlue, DOCtor, StampInStone and other 100% Native OS X applications...

Friday, May 17, 2002

Oh - and now Create can export TIFFs to any DPI resolution!

See Preferences->Image “DPI” field

Another cool thing for web experts is that you can save out your HTML with other file endings, such as “php”, “htm”, “shtml”, and really, any ending you can think of with this hidden dwrite:

defaults write com.stone.Create HTMLFileExtension <<SOME EXTENSION>>

11:00:01 AM    

Latest Stone Studio Available!
<US> | <AISA> | <EURO>

Create got the most attention in the last month, although PhotoToWeb has an important fix, and the other apps got some cleanup.

The coolest new feature for BLOGGERS is that you can type text in Create (like this post), drop on URLs from OmniWeb, choose Format->Text->Copy as HTML... and then paste the formatted HTML into your home page to make a posting without typing one “<” or “>”, and it handles all unicodes on top of all that!

Read all about
what’s new!
10:55:30 AM    

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