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Day level permalink July 13, 2004

Palestinian Child Abuse.

Children as young as 10 are being recruited to fight for the Palestinian cause. Sky News has gained access to a young people's camp in Gaza, where the only lesson taught is how to kill Israelis. Sky's Middle East Correspondent Emma Hurd ... [Little Green Footballs]

The United Nations "Strongly condemns the recruitment and use of child soldiers by parties to armed conflict"...

so we should hear very soon from the Security Council...

any minute now... 

12:25:34 PM  Item-level permalink    

Apple's iTunes hits sales benchmark of 100 million songs
KESQ - Apple Computer's i-Tunes Music Store has sold its 100 (m) millionth song.  And although it took nearly three months longer than Apple Computer chief executive Steve Jobs predicted, Jobs calls the sales mark a "historic milestone."

When the market-leading music download store launched in April, 2003, a confident Jobs forecast that i-Tunes would sell 100 (m) million songs within a year.

15 months, and gross revenue of $99 million!  Imagine if they were more PC friendly.   US album sales, in units, are about 500 million per year.  As paid downloads continue to grow, you can see how the internet might SAVE the recording industry, despite themselves.


9:30:59 AM  Item-level permalink    

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