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Day level permalink January 7, 2005

Brandon Police are warning parents and children about a possible sexual predator who is emailing local students.

Earlier this week, a mother phoned the police after her daughter's email account was hijacked. Someone then used the girl's account to chat with her friends, asking them to send pictures of themselves and to expose themselves on their web cameras. The person also sent pornographic pictures to them.

3:13:45 PM  Item-level permalink    

Gene Determines Risk of HIV-AIDS

technewsworld - The researchers screened more than 4,300 HIV-negative and HIV-positive people for a gene called CCL3L1, which codes for a protein that blocks HIV from infecting cells. People with more copies of the CCL3L1 gene than average were less likely to go on to develop AIDS.

2:56:29 PM  Item-level permalink    

The whole Bush is Hitler meme is, in my opinion, holocaust denial.

Most of the tsunami disaster victims are Muslims. The United States has given directly and through the UN nearly a billion dollars.

If you can imagine the German government of Hitler's early years of power giving the 1940's equivalent of a billion dollars in aid, to a jewish group who had lost 200,000 people to a natural disaster, then you are worse than a bigot, you are an idiot.

1:28:46 PM  Item-level permalink    

A recent announcement by the Canadian federal government allows specific tsunami relief  donations made on or before Jan. 11, 2005, to be claimed on 2004 tax returns.
12:02:13 PM  Item-level permalink    

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