Monday, October 28, 2002

Zope Stories
Zope Stories, another Zope weblog with some very good links and, well, stories.
8:15:24 AM  blips[]    

Multiple Choice
Helmut Lang has a new fragrance out, Cuirion Pour Homme. Should I:
  1. Bug the local Norstroms to get some sample packs in (even though they stopped carrying HL fragrances) and then order online?
  2. Just order online and take my chances that the fragrance will wear well on me?
  3. Get off my ass and onto a Jet Blue red-eye, find a cheap NYC hotel (I miss my old money), and pay a visit to the HL Parfumerie?
I want to do the third option. Delta had a great SLC-JFK web fare for this past weekend ($178 round trip) that I came so close to taking. But, Ski Season is approaching. I'm torn between my two expensive loves, skiing and NYC... I suppose I should get to work and pray for more money to happen soon.
7:56:02 AM  blips[]    

From Chris McDonough's Meta-Whine:
With only few shining exceptions, these offers almost never pan out and the thing that they offered to do never actually gets done. It's as if people believe that by offering to do something, they've actually done it. [Chris McDonough]
I have to plead guilty to this, with the most recent promises being a release of FDoc. I learned my lesson long ago - fix it if I can, otherwise, stay quiet. There is rarely enough time in the day to do real work and Open Source work, so why promise? I don't live up to this all the time, but I do try.

Speaking of which - it's time to get sparkly clean, shaven, and head to the office. I have a big deadline this week, and I'm sure there are plenty of new projects waiting to attack.
7:10:52 AM  blips[]