I ran across a reference to technography, which is essentially using technical tools to move meetings forward. This article refers to site called CoWorking, but at the moment I can't actually find anything about technography on that site.
In the context of Manila/Frontier/Radio, one technique used in technography is to create real-time meeting notes by using a laptop and an outlining program.
I've been using that technique for years to take notes for meetings, usually using MS Word. My main frustration has been that I can't get Word to print an outline in outline form; it insists on printing a flat form marked up with various sized fonts. I'll swear that once upon a time I was able to make word do this.
http://technography.userland.com also has useful information.
What's strange is that although I find a number of references to technography on coworking.com via Google, all those pages don't seem to exist; when I go to the coworking site, I don't see any useful references. Similarly, I've seen a couple of references to technography.com, but I get a 404 when I go to that site. What's going on?
10:51:04 AM