Wednesday, March 2, 2005
Journalism educators from California to Carolina to
Connecticut are adding to the latest conversation about "convergence"
at OJR (Online Journalism Review), starting with this
article by Larry Pryor of the Annenberg School at USC.
I'm too busy to join that dialogue right now. I started to
write something, but the school's cleaning crew and a noisy vacuum
cleaner are converging on my office, so I'll have to wait and come back
to it in a day or two.
For a start, however, I couldn't help
noticing that if you plug the word "convergence" into Google tonight
the top hit is a
comic book and science
fiction convention.
Maybe we need a term for the journalistic manifestation of
"convergence" -- something to separate it from other cons and
convergences... the industrial and technological discussions of
voice-over-Internet-protocol, smart phones uploading to
videoblogs and downloading MP3s, and who knows what next... not to
mention the gobbling up of publishing, broadcasting and communication
companies by bigger and bigger media leviathans... or the confusion of
news and opinion, news and publicity, news and entertainment.
I've liked the words "online journalism" for
years, but I'm noticing very little journalism is left "offline."
Calling it "Mixed-Up Media" is tempting. ("Pay attention to your MUM"?)
But tonight I like the phrase "digital journalism." Digital
is the common denominator (1), and the two
words describe what these fingers started doing on a keyboard when
Nixon was president.
9:26:57 PM
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Bob Stepno.
Last update:
7/19/08; 1:03:28 PM.