Thursday, July 20, 2006
That's one small statistic from the 33-page Pew Internet & American Life report titled Bloggers: A portrait of the internet's new storytellers.
It's probably no surprise that bloggers are more likely than other internet users to use a few other technologies mentioned in the survey, including instant messaging and cell phones. Other comparisons:
- internet users who read someone else's blog 39 %
- bloggers who read someone else's blog 90
- internet users who remix songs, text, or images into new creations 18
- bloggers who remix songs, text, or images into new creations 44
- internet users who share their own artwork, photos, stories, or videos online 26
- bloggers who share their own artwork, photos, stories, or videos online 77
"My life and experiences" was the main subject chosen by 37% of the bloggers, while only 11% gave politics as their focus, still ahead of the 7% who focus on entertainment; 6% on sports; 5% general news and current events; 5% business; 4% technology; 2% religion, spirituality or faith.
Even if they aren't all blogging about the news, bloggers are serious consumers of news, but so are internet users in general, according to the report:
Ninety-five percent of bloggers get news from the internet and 71% say they do so on a typical day. Bloggers' news reading outpaces even home broadband users, who are among the most enthusiastic online news readers. By comparison, 80% of home broadband users get news online and 63% do so on a typical day.
As for "old media," bloggers are no more or less likely than other internet users to read newspapers and magazines or watch TV news, the study reports: 85 percent of internet users, bloggers or not, said they read newspapers, and about half said they do so daily. (The last newspaper readership survey of the general population I've looked at said 78 percent of the residents of major newspaper markets read a newspaper during a typical week.)
For more on the blogging survey, here's a link to Pew's summary of its report and methodology.
12:46:43 AM
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Bob Stepno.
Last update:
7/19/08; 1:15:26 PM.