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daily link  Tuesday, July 16, 2002

More from Phil Wainewright (Loosely Coupled Weblog): Christensen on standards and componentization. "The challenge facing us is to define the core web services standards for componentization in a way that will unleash and extend innovation, rather than embrace and extinguish it."
permalink Posted to services @ 7:55:10 AM ( comments)

Loosely Coupled: Forrester warns of web services wildfire. "These historical parallels highlight the one overriding challenge that CIOs will face with web services — how to manage the anarchy of a major change in computing technology, without suppressing the innovation that will be required to take advantage of the opportunities that it is sure to bring. The lesson of history is that the 'safe choice' of sticking with established big-name vendors will lead many enterprises into expensive wild goose chases down tortuous and bruising blind alleys. Making the right choices will demand a lot of imagination and hands-on involvement from those CIOs — along with a recognition that neither Gartner nor Forrester nor any other analyst is going to be in a position to provide all the answers."
permalink Posted to services @ 7:49:54 AM ( comments)

Copyright (C) 2002 Paul Kulchenko Click here to send an email to the editor of this weblog. Updated 8/22/2002; 5:32:15 PM