The views expressed on this weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.
 Tuesday, January 07, 2003
Is Safari just Phoenix? I mean, really, Home, Forward, Back, Google. How hard is that?

Maybe this is obvious, or maybe I'm insane, but it seems to me (from the outside)  that Apple's new Safari WebBrowser is just a Apple-Branded version of the Mozilla Project's Phoenix Browser.  The position of the built-in Google text box next to the address bar is what tipped me off.  Maybe I'm wrong.

I've been a IE user (who isn't?) forever, although I've made half-assed attempts to switch as I saw something better come out.  I tried Netscape 6, Mozilla at various phases, all the early Gecko-based stuff.  I even went through my whole "Opera" phase back when it still fit on a floppy. 

But, I'm using Phoenix full time now on Windows XP Pro.  I even make the scary "default browser" final step.  IE doesn't even show up on my desktop.  It's an odd feeling.

Also interesting to me is that we spent the better part of ten years putting bells and whistles (and menus and buttons and hot keys) into Browsers, and now we are stripping them out. 

I mean, really, Home, Forward, Back, Google. How hard is that?

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Active Directory Application Mode
Am I missing something?  Where in my Windows .NET Server 2003 RC2 install is Active Directory Application Mode (AD/AM)?  Certainly not in the AD Wizards...or the help...or the CD? Anyone?
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Watch IIS communicate wtih ASP.NET

Since ASP.NET "speaks" named pipes with IIS...

  • Download the FileMon utility from SysInternals
  • Run FileMon and select Drives->Named Pipes only
  • Set from Edit->Filters/Highlights to asp*.exe;inet*.exe to show only the named pipes between ASPNET_WP.EXE and INETINFO.EXE.
  • You should see a periodic write from ASPNET_WP.EXE and read from INETINFO.EXE (some ping mechanism)
  • Kill ASPNET_WP.EXE and you'll see the intital startup and handshake as inetinfo starts ASPNET_WP.EXE up again

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