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 Monday, January 27, 2003
"Energy Consumption" or "Can We Recapture The Extra Heat From My Funeral Pyre?"

As a self-declared "Energy Star" person, driving a Toyata Prius currently getting 44 mpg, as well as various other green lifestyle choices, I found myself in a very interesting discussion earlier today as I insulted my co-workers choice of 15 mpg Giant Barns On Wheels.  The suggestion was made that since I had such guilt over causing damage to the environment through my personal use of dead dinosaurs for personal transport that I should perhaps result to self-immolation as a way to atone for my pain.

This left me wondering, how could I recapture and reuse the energy from my funeral pyre for use by my decendants?

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Windows 2000 - running for over 2 years, no reboot

Windows 2000 site goes over two years without a reboot

This month is the first time that a Windows 2000 site has appeared in the 50 top sites which have the longest period of time since last reboot. has been running continuously since November 2000. When we first started graphing web servers uptime in the summer of 2000, many people were skeptical that a Windows machine would ever make the top 50. Perceptions change, and although two years is exceptional, several Windows 2000 sites have run for more than a year without a reboot. In the hosting industry, Microsoft partners Interliant and Divine each have sites that have not been rebooted in over a year, while Microsoft has also run several of its own sites for over a year between reboots. 

Heh...Remember the Windows 9x 49.7 day bug?

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