The views expressed on this weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.
 Monday, February 17, 2003
My Collection of .NET Regular Expression Tools

I'm starting to use .NET's RegEx class all ways I never expected.  Here's the tools and sites I'm using lately:

And Library Resources:

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I wallpapered the office today...

I woke up with a need to find new wallpaper, and with 2 monitors at home and 2 at work, my work was cut out for me.  Here's some links to rockin' sweet new wallpapers from my friend at Panic, Steven Frank.

The new wallpaper (seen at right) I'm using is here.

(Cultural note: If she's meant to represent a woman of Islamic faith, it's possibly not accurate since: 1. Her green eyes are probably contacts.  2. Most devout Mulsim women who wear burkas avoid eye makeup. 3. The text is in an english font that harkens to the Devanagari scripts, which are Northern Indian and Indo-Aryan, not Hamito-Semitic like Arabic.)

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New Developer Blog built on Outlook2RSS and ASP

Outlook2RSS UPDATE: Looks like my Outlook2RSS actually is useful!  Jorge Curioso has built a blog using Outlook2RSS (Which he updated with some Regular Expressions to strip out unwanted tags like HTML and BODY) and ASP.  This is kind of the poor man's inverse of Ingo's Outblog as it's a command-line application that runs as a scheduler task and extracts MailItems or PostItems from Outlook Folders or Public Folders.

Jorge's new blog built on ASP and Outlook2RSS supports these kinds of URLs:

Main Site:
By Post:
By Date:

He also points out that this blog is "fully proof-of-concept and prototype in nature." 

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