The views expressed on this weblog are mine alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of my employer.
 Monday, March 31, 2003
More tips from Sairama - Catching Ctrl-C from a .NET Console Application

Ever want to catch Ctrl-C from a .NET Console Application and perform some crucial cleanup?  Well, you can...

using System;

namespace Testing
/// <summary>
Class to catch console control events (ie CTRL-C) in C#.
Calls SetConsoleCtrlHandler() in Win32 API
/// </summary>
public class ConsoleCtrl: IDisposable
/// <summary>
The event that occurred.
/// </summary>
public enum ConsoleEvent
CtrlC = 0,CtrlBreak = 1,CtrlClose = 2,CtrlLogoff = 5,CtrlShutdown =

/// <summary>
Handler to be called when a console event occurs.
/// </summary>
public delegate void ControlEventHandler(ConsoleEvent consoleEvent);

/// <summary>
Event fired when a console event occurs
/// </summary>
public event ControlEventHandler ControlEvent;

ControlEventHandler eventHandler;

public ConsoleCtrl()
// save this to a private var so the GC doesn't collect it...
eventHandler = new ControlEventHandler(Handler);
(eventHandler, true);


public void Dispose()

void Dispose(bool disposing)
(eventHandler != null)
(eventHandler, false);
  eventHandler = null

private void Handler(ConsoleEvent consoleEvent)
(ControlEvent != null)

static extern bool SetConsoleCtrlHandler
(ControlEventHandler e, bool add);


using System;

class Test
static void inputHandler(ConsoleCtrl.ConsoleEvent consoleEvent)
(consoleEvent == ConsoleCtrl.ConsoleEvent.CtrlC)
("Stopping due to user input");
// Cleanup code here.

static void Main
(string[] args)

ConsoleCtrl cc = new ConsoleCtrl();
cc.ControlEvent += new
( ;; )
("Press any key...");

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Scale, extend, stay running and don't forget to lock the door

Steve [Swartz] and Clemens [Vasters] all over Europe.

This going to be great fun! I will be doing a speaking tour with my friend Steve Swartz (who was/is the architect of most of the new things in Windows Server 2003's COM+ 1.5). The topic is scalable application architectures and we have given it the unmarketable title "Scale, extend, stay running and don't forget to lock the door".

It's 7 cities (Warsaw, Bukarest, Moscow, Copenhagen, Oslo, Paris, Lisbon) in two weeks. The party starts April 22 in Warsaw. At most Microsoft subsidiaries the event will unfortunately be "invite only" due to organizational (space) constraints, but at least in Denmark, everyone can apparently sign up.

Expect us talking, discussing, agreeing and disagreeing about layers, tiers, process models, transactions, patterns, anti-patterns, security, Enterprise Services and other interesting things and expect the one or the other hint at the future of Web Services....[Clemens Vasters]

Not to kiss these two guys' collective asses any more than I would ordinarily, but this may be the greatest meeting of the minds (at least in the vertical world of Scalable Systems) in recent memory.  I'm tempted to head to Europe, crash the party and check them out.  I saw Steve speak on Throughput Design Patterns a few years back and I was inspired.  And of course, Clemens is always inspired and a fun speaker (with startlingly good englesh! :), who according to Tomas is IM'ing the planet (see Comments). 

It's gonna be a great summer of presenting and travelling.  I'm speaking at the Visual Studio 2003/Windows Server 2003 Launches in four Northwest cities, including Seattle and Portland.  If you see me, come say Hi!  I'm also at TechEd 2003 in Dallas in June and my wife and I are at TechEd Asia Pacific - Malaysia in August.  Looking forward to Singapore Airlines, too!

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NewsGator 1.1 - Run, Don't Walk

NewsGator 1.1 Released!.

NewsGator 1.1 has been released! This is a significant release; many of the most-requested features have been added, and a few bugs have been fixed. You can download 1.1 here. And it's a free upgrade for licensed 1.0 users. :-)

New message notification (task tray bubble) on Windows 2000 and later

[Greg Reinacker's Weblog]

I love the tray bubble...

Updated Link to this post 12:22:26 AM  #    comment []  trackback []
Netscape Navigator 4.6 and ASP.NET

If your life sucks so badly that you have to support Netscape 4.x, you might want to remember that Netscape 4 never handled Unicode/UTF-8 very well.  Since UTF-8 is ASP.NET's default Response Encoding, you'll often see the Evil Black Squares  "" ©2003 displayed instead of your text.  

Easily fixed though, change the following line in the Web.config file from

<globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" />


<globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="ascii" />

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