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 Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Google as proof of my Burning Ears?

I've had the good fortune, for what it's worth, of being the first Hanselman, the first Scott Hanselman, and the 80th Scott ;) on Google for a while now.  So, basically, if you REALLY want to find me, you can.  There's really no excuse if you remember my last name. 

I walked into a few meetings last week and received the whole "Speak of the devil..." or "Your ears must be burning."  Every day or so I notice someone in my referrers list who arrived by searching Google for "Scott Hanselman." 

So, I see a few possibilities:

  • There are a lot of Scott Hanselman's (I know of four, a baseball player, a web designer, me, and a Canadian) out there and every once in a while they search for themselves for some reason.
  • There are a lot of Scott Hanselman's out there and OTHER people are searching for those guys
  • Someone out there was thinking about me and my ears should have been burning as they searched Google

From this very cogent logic, I have determined that my ears can no longer feel the burning.  Clearly, I'll need to see someone about this.

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