Nick Anderson has a new animation that's just brutal
against Bush, Rove and Cheney....against a backdrop of the brutality
they've foisted upon Iraq. It's called Feel Good
Thursday, June 21, 2007
A toe-tapping tribute to Dubya's legacy.
arming a new generation with centuries of hatred--sweet strategy...
Brave New Films has made an impressive short film for Codpiece Day that you can see here and
send to all your friends. Be sure to make your own "Mission
Accomplished" banner and enter the contest. I did, as you can see.
I'm persuaded of the value of this approach for several reasons.
Among activists who very much want impeachment, one can hear a long
list of fears and concerns about how things might go wrong, how
impeachment could help Republicans who come around and back it, how
impeachment could take energy away from elections, etc. But by far the
most common of the nonsensical fears one hears is this one: "Impeaching
Bush would give us Cheney, who is worse."
By proposing to impeach Cheney first, we eliminate this fear.
Happy Xmas (War Is Over) is a song that was written by John Lennon
with partial help from Yoko Ono. It was recorded at the Record Plant in
New York City in late October of 1971, with the help of producer Phil
Spector. It features soaring, heavily echoed vocals, and a sing-along
chorus. The children singing in the background were from the Harlem
Community Choir and are credited on the song's single.
Directly following John Lennon's death on December 8, 1980, the song was re-released in the UK on December 20 1980.
the song is a protest song about the Vietnam War, it has become a
Christmas standard and has appeared on several Christmas CDs. One of
the best known versions was recorded live by Melissa Etheridge.
related to the song: in late 1969, John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono
rented billboards and posters in eleven cities around the world that
read: "WAR IS OVER! (If You Want It) Happy Christmas from John and
Yoko." Five of the eleven cities included in the billboard campaign
were New York, Tokyo, Rome, Amsterdam, and London. At the time the
United States was deeply entrenched in the Vietnam War, which would
later become a major political debacle.
I wonder what O'reilly thinks about This "Happy Christmas" song. It must be one of his favorites.
Fantastic video! It basically recaps every mistake, travesty, and
abomination that's occurred under the Bush Administration and the GOP
stranglehold on our Government. November 7th, 2006 - Happy Repudiation Day!
Funny, smart, and stirring. Tears came to my eyes. "Freedom" was an
inspired choice for a soundtrack. George Michael should be proud.
George Bush should be ashamed. Balance in our Democracy is needed if we are to persevere as
a nation!