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Thursday, November 27, 2003

Walker hounds: the misunderstood deer dogs of North Carolina To the uninformed, they rank low on the canine scale, perceived as mixed breeds whose sole function is to push deer out of the pine plantations and pocosins to openings where hunters wait... Walkers, however, are deer hounds supreme, the standard against which other breeds and mixes are usually judged...' [ESPN Outdoors]

Catalina Island Conservancy releases fox cubs into the wild [Napa News]

Last night, at 2:00 a.m., I awoke to the sound of a dog smacking his lips and panting as he settled with canine satisfaction into the depths of my clothes closet. The large 2x3 foot deodorizer in it deterred him from entering his chosen den for all of four days. The deodorizer is no match for our large furry chow but I don't have the heart to totally ban him from my closet. After all, his needs are so few and he's so amiable that taking away this indelicate pleasure from him seems unkind.

Chows are interesting. According to Woodland Chows, chows are born with 44 teeth (2 teeth fall out as the chow matures) while all other dogs are born with only 42 teeth.  Moshi's Chow Chow Page: 'Some scientists have concluded that the Chow Chow is actually descended from a prehistoric animal (lamicyon) that differs from the dog, although it has the same ancestor as the dog and bear...' Whatever the reason, Chows have peculiar ideosyncrasies that no other breed of dog has; personally, I find these odd behaviors endearing. It's easy to recognize them in other chows. Most chows are perfectly content to lay at your feet, facing away from you. It isn't, as some would have you believe, a sign of aloofness; it's actually a sign of respect and trust. Chows regard friendly conversations as a kind of powerful dog massage and so, don't need constant petting....