Lawyer steals little boy's dog [The Question Fairy, Becki] (an incredible tale recounted by John Kass, The Chicago Sun Times]
SayUncle on Pitbulls... and other 'random politically incorrect doglinks
Dangerous Meta "Before anyone gets all huffy, try a Google search to find any negative interactions between wolves and hikers in Wyoming. I haven’t found a single instance": Wolves facing uncertain future in Wyoming [The New York Times] (hmmm... wolves kill cattle in Wyoming, via Google searches... )
The Cat Pack: Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Peter Lawford and Angie Dickinson (cool cat pics and tales, plus a bone or two for a stray dog... )
Zoya's Alaskan kennel journal celebrates a sled dog... dogs, mountains, art, friends!
Happy Valentines Day "Crazy life of an animal lover who takes care of 28 furred and scaled pets PLUS who works full time, is a married college student, and volunteers for a local humane association..." [Richardson Zoo] (how do these people do it? I'm pressed for time and I only care for 2 dogs and 1 spouse!) [all sites via Technorati search]
Permalink: readers woofed! [] tracks sniffed..
Wyoming Department of Agriculture - Technical Services | Wolves kill dethroned, founding park wolf - | Wyoming LAP Book - 2003 Legislation | Wolf kill payments jump | Wyoming briefs | Idaho, Montana Assume Wolf Management, Kill Bar Lowered | Update 9-23-02 | Wolf Trap: Gray Wolves Face a Death Sentence Under Proposed | ESPN Outdoors -- Wolves kill cattle in southern Wyoming | Do wolves kill for fun, or no reason?