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Monday, April 21, 2003

FluffyChow Rescue of Northern Virginia, serving DC, Maryland and Virginia, has three adorable rescued chows who need loving homes.  Fluffy looks just like our dog and boasts a beautiful red and cinnamon coat. She's small, inquisitive and friendly. She almost got euthanized... (go read her story and enjoy the photos.)

Ebony, a sweet little black chow, loves children and has been through enough heartbreak to last a lifetime. She has pedigreed papers; she's thin and has just recovered from pyometria, but she still has a big heart and loves people. Her owners gave her up because they 'didn't have time to walk her.' (She was special ordered, but the children got bored with her.) Ebony is up-to-date on her shots...

Tyson misses his kitty friend (his owner dumped both Tyson and his kitty pal). Even so, he's ready to adopt you, if you have room in your heart for him.

(We adopted a rescued Chow from the ASPCA three years ago and he is the best dog we've ever had.... ). Dogs get dumped because people get bored with them or they don't match the rugs (a real excuse ... believe it or not). All of these chows narrowly missed getting euthanized and they all deserve loving homes with caring people... These chow chows are special; they still give their love to people, even if they've not received love in kind.

Adopt one of these dogs and you'll gain entry into the mysterious, sweet world of the chow chow.