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Web Services, people, software providers, writers and resources who have made this weblog more useful. A long overdue category... plus resources to never track of... First things first: this is not for "public consumption" this feed is raw, unedited bits of news gathered from the Web, direct quotes from savy bloggers. This is not meant as a weblog... noooo.... this is my personal treasure chest of knowledge... That said, I'm NOT WRITING it. got it? It's not for review or anything else... I'm hoarding it to a space on the web where I can go back and find it. Why, you say? : stupid computer, stupid browser, stupid bookmarks can't track this stuff like a Radioland feed can ... and having it on the web is so useful. Previous/Next


Wednesday, December 03, 2003

another reason to like Jeffrey Zeldman, css links and more...

More updates for security breaches in XP from Microsoft, along with hissy all-capped imperatives: YOU MAY NOT PROVIDE THIS UPDATE OR THE LOCATION (URL) OF THIS UPDATE TO ANY THIRD PARTIES.

you'll have to follow the Microsoft url trail... for the location of the update... Here's an rss feed from Thunderman, so you can attempt to track updates yourself...