Home thanks

Web Services, people, software providers, writers and resources who have made this weblog more useful. A long overdue category... plus resources to never track of... First things first: this is not for "public consumption" this feed is raw, unedited bits of news gathered from the Web, direct quotes from savy bloggers. This is not meant as a weblog... noooo.... this is my personal treasure chest of knowledge... That said, I'm NOT WRITING it. got it? It's not for review or anything else... I'm hoarding it to a space on the web where I can go back and find it. Why, you say? : stupid computer, stupid browser, stupid bookmarks can't track this stuff like a Radioland feed can ... and having it on the web is so useful. Previous/Next


Thursday, December 18, 2003

One of the best news readers on the scene FeedDemon 1.0 released today by Nick Bradbury. Turn off the TV, download FeedDemon and then go walk the dog, assured that you can keep up with all of the news...

Throwaway email addresses [Boing Boing] Dodge the spam! You'll need this when you  subscribe to feeds

FastBuzz, an extremely fast online newsreader [Dave Winer Scripting.com] RSS and newsreaders gives you more time to walk the dog, blog the dog, and pick up the poop (the news has gone to the dogs lately, hasn't it... ).