Scoble sez:
By the way, if you search Google for "offshoring" you'll find my weblog at the top of the list. Crazy. Am I the world's formost authority on offshoring all of a sudden?[The Scobleizer -- Geek Aggregator]
Being an authority and being widely read and thus linked to are two different things; and that's not a dig at Scoble, who I respect, but more a comment on how Google ranks pages: by counting links.
Meanwhile, TechDirt chimes in on the offshoring topic with a link to the NYT:
History Repeating Itself With Offshoring. The whole offshoring debate is clearly a hot topic as you can't go far without stumbling on yet another article about the topic. . . The NY Times is now running an article that compares the situation today with the situation fifteen years ago in the hardware business. . . [Techdirt]
7:55:52 PM