Fred Sampson's Radio Weblog
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  Saturday, October 6, 2007

No, I have not fallen off the edge of the earth. Just been too preoccupied to spare a few brain cells to blog posts.

I tried to post last weekend in celebration of the confluence, on September 28, of the birthday of Brigitte Bardot, Moon Unit Zappa, Janeane Garofalo, Mira Sorvino, and Pompey. But Radio ate the post, and I couldn't muster the energy to reproduce it.

But I will celebrate, one day in advance, the 52nd anniversary of Allen Ginsberg's reading of Howl at the Six Gallery in San Francisco. I still can't read Howl in silence: it demands to be read aloud, crying, screaming, moaning, growling. . . howling. Celebrate by reading it to your children tomorrow.

2:58:36 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

A truly moving post from Tom Peters; I like most of his stuff, but this one is truly great:

The Basics II:All You Need Is Love,Not Tom Peters or Gary Hamel. . . In a nutshell, it doesn't mean a thing to talk about "mass career customization" or "brand you"[~]if the Guiding Axiom is anything other than an Abiding Respect for and Belief in one's Fellow Human Beings.

"Respect" and "appreciation" and "trust" are not exactly novel ideas[~]but they are precisely what's often-mostly absent from the workplace of the past or present or, doubtless, future. . .

Tom goes on to discuss two of his most-respected leaders, General U.S. Grant and Admiral Horatio Nelson (I have several books on Nelson in my pile of urgent to-read-soon books), and quotes several folks on the value of respect and appreciation to business success. But the quotation that nailed it for me was:

"I have always believed that the purpose of the corporation is to be a blessing to the employees."
[~]Boyd Clarke

I never would have said "blessing," but contrast that sentiment with the usual "the purpose of the corporation is to increase shareholder value." I have never believed the latter to be nearly as important as what a company does for its employees and community.

2:48:44 PM    Questions? Comments? Flames? []

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Last update: 11/4/07; 4:08:45 PM.

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