This is the personal weblog of Greg Burch.

Thursday, September 26, 2002

We have the beginnings of our website up! We so far have our slogan and our member list. Some great names on that list. I will keep you updated on the MCC's dealings. But if you read the slogan, we basically want to help the device movement. We decided to keep our web presence simple to start, we didn't want to bottleneck doing the next best site! But in the near future it will be changing. Feel free to comment on our Consortium. Ask any questions you have as well!
4:15:45 PM    comment []

Hello from Florida. I am settled in and moved back in. I was in Boston for about 5mnths working from one of the Macromedia offices, I am now working remotely in Florida.

Last month I didn't see much exciting stuff going on in the community. But this month its been picking back up, which is great. (A good time for me to move, when nothing is going on)

This month it seems to have picked up, One thing I have seen no discussion on is Flash Remoting for Java and .Net. I would have expected more people to be discussing it. Now you can use remoting with java and .net! Its always great (especially as a flash developer) to know that stuff you develop can be used easily with other backends.

Here is the link to the Flash Remoting releases for you to check out.

Douglas McCarroll has pointed me to the Macromedia Boston User Group weblog that is dedicated to Flash Remoting with Java and .NET. Make sure to check it out.

3:17:31 PM    comment []

© Copyright 2003 Greg Burch.
September 2002
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Live Previews
Common Component Issues
Flash Remoting
Extending Components
__resolve and apply
XML 2 DataProvider

Macromedia WebLogs
Jeremy Allaire
mesh on mx
jd on mx
An Architect's View

Other WebLogs
Peter Hall
Eric Dolecki
Flash the Future
jdb cyberspace
Branden Hall
Josh Dura
Full As A Goog
Flash Magazine
Claus Wahlers
Arul Kumaran
Phillip Torrone
Guy Watson
Robert Hall

Macromedia Mobile Development Center

Flash Design for Mobile Devices

Flash Enabled

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