This is the personal weblog of Greg Burch.

Saturday, November 09, 2002

I just finished a couple articles for ultrashock that are live today. I wrote one on SharedObjects. It starts by teaching all about them, including storing custom classes. Then a few sections on when to replace cookies with them...and when not to. And finally some fairly basic stuff on security and management. The other one I wrote is on FlashVars. Yes a whole article on the parameter that allows you to pass variables into Flash :). I spiced it up a bit with data conversion techniques since all you receive are strings.

Let me know any comments and questions of course.

Shared Object Article
FlashVars Article

PS The SharedObject article includes an example of a Code Snippet organizer with some basic features.

UPDATE: I updated the SharedObject article with a bit more information on storing custom classes.
2:46:11 PM    comment []

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