Thursday, May 06, 2004

The N&R discovers Will Jordan!

OK, it's just a couple of column inches tucked in with the local briefs on page B4 (not posted), but it's a start.

"Greensboro lawyer to challenge Coble for seat in Congress," says the headline.

The article notes that Coble will have his first Democratic challenger since 1996.

No quotes -- none in yesterday's High Point Enterprise story, either. Jordan went on vacation shortly after filing -- to get quotes, you would have needed to call him within three days of the event. Like I did.

Why doesn't the N&R quote his prepared remarks to

Good question.

8:30:03 AM    comment []

Instapundit has a long post in response to my query, Why are we in Iraq?

A key line: "This is a process, not an event."

Glenn and I disagreed about initiating the war in Iraq when and how we did. But we see the same way forward now, although I'm more interested in replacing Bush than he is.

Meanwhile, Tom Friedman says Rumsfeld must go -- now.

Friedman: "I also know the sort of abuse that went on in Abu Ghraib prison goes on in prisons all over the Arab world every day, as it did under Saddam — without the Arab League or Al Jazeera ever saying a word about it. I know they are shameful hypocrites, but I want my country to behave better — not only because it is America, but also because the war on terrorism is a war of ideas, and to have any chance of winning we must maintain the credibility of our ideas."

8:20:40 AM    comment []

Monkeytime has a definitive post on American hero Pat Tillman, Ted Rall, and the media's effort to make Tillman what he never was or wanted to  be.

8:08:08 AM    comment []