Friday, February 13, 2004

A number of bloggers have been printing lists of 5 lately ( 5 bloggers to read, 5 CD's worth copying, etc. ) and Matt Johnson asked me for novels to read. So, 5 of my favorite novels:

  • All the King's Men by Robert Penn Warren
  • Libra by Don Dellilo
  • The Thin Red Line By James Jones So much better than the movie.
  • In the Lake of the Woods By Tim O'Brien
  • American Pastoral by Phillip Roth

11:54:55 AM    comment []

A complaint I got today was that the stocking reports on the internet for Lake Superior are all recorded as being under Cook County. This is because for the purposes of the stocking program database, we agreed that even though lots of lakes touch more than one county, each lake would only be listed under one county. Unfortunately, the public perception from reading the web reports is that the folks in Cook County get all the fish. Also, there isn't even that much stocking going on up in Cook County anymore because the fish populations have reached a point where they are naturally reproducing. So, I have to change the data structure to recognize that Lake Superior spans several counties. (Something they apparently have known since the 19th century, but didn't bother to tell me)
11:24:27 AM    comment [] just contacted the entire Minnesota House Education Committee about House Bill 1787 and it looks like so many people have contacted them to voice their opposition that the bill will be tabled or not heard. This is a bill that would institute some rules and regulations for private schools ( or homes ) that seek to make use of an existing tax credit/deduction for families that use their own money to educate their children.
8:51:45 AM    comment []