Thursday, June 10, 2004

"Mexico's estimated 375,000 freight trucks have been in service for an average of 15 to 20 years, compared with 5 years for most U.S. trucks. Industry leaders say it would take annual investments of $1 billion over the next 10 years to get Mexico's fleet into an age bracket similar to that of U.S. trucks."

"It scares you (when the brakes goes out), but in Mexico you constantly face scary situations going down the road. Driving in Mexico is much more dangerous, so we could definitely handle driving in the United States." :-O
9:01:59 PM    comment []


The Supreme Court removed the last legal roadblock to Mexican trucks rolling across U.S. roadways, siding with the Bush administration Monday in a long-running dispute with labor union officials, environmentalists and consumer advocates.
9:01:58 PM    comment []