Saturday, May 29, 2004

The sun came out today in full glory. Maggie and I set out for the kids beach, but somehow got lost in the two blocks to the kids beach and ended up walking two miles to a full fledged adult beach. Oh the sea shells. we collected buckets of them. Maggie has only experienced sea shells as untouchable tchotchkes. Today she saw driveways paved with the things, seagulls dropping them on rocks, and mounds of intact ones of all shapes and sizes littering the beach. and enourmous severed crab legs and crab bodies.

Slept like dog crap last night. Stupid bullshit insomnia. I was awake from 2:30 to 6:00 while the worries of the world were paraded before me. Also, there is a dwarf in the heat duct running some kind of after hours metal shop, grinding away all night. I got up and read the New Yorker from cover to cover. Inspiring article on Barack Obama: The following made me laugh from the article:

"Jan Schakowsky told me about a recent visit she had made to the White House with a congressional delegation. On her way out, she said, President Bush noticed her “obama” button. “He jumped back, almost literally,” she said. “And I knew what he was thinking. So I reassured him it was Obama, with a ‘b.’ And I explained who he was. The President said, ‘Well, I don’t know him.’ So I just said, ‘You will.’”

Last night was great. We had dinner at Lowell and Betsy's house (notice the first name basis!), who are Amanda's parents. They are great hosts. I felt so comfortable there, I could have frisbeed the steak across the lawn to the dog and still felt accepted. They have a yard with sandy trails leading off in all directions through scrubby terrain. And the fog rolled in, so the kids, the dog, and some adults went out to get "lost" in the fog. great fun. Maggie tried steak for the first time and decided she liked it. Reminded me of a baby eagle getting nursed back to health at the Raptor center, choking down hunks of meat.

I do so wish that Kate, Frank and Maureen were here.
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