Saturday, May 01, 2004

minutes after birth
8:17:12 PM    comment []


8:16:39 PM    comment []

8:15:18 PM    comment []

Maureen McGuire was born just now.  8 pounds 11 oz

She arrived rather quickly.  When I left the house this morning, Kate seemed pretty far away from labor.  At 2:00 the women (Emily, Francesca and Rebecca) said, "Looks like a long hall"  at 2:45, they said, "you'd better get down here quick"

I rushed in with my kids and Rebecca and her kids 10 seconds after she came out.  The kid's eyes were as wide as saucers

Maureen is alert and looks around when she hears the voices of her brother and sister.

8:14:25 PM    comment []

Kate just went to the hospital.  Contractions are 3-5 minutes apart.  I can feel the fog of shock creeping in around the edges of my consciousness. 

I am about to take the kids there, following some bizarre belief that it will be good to have them in the room watching the baby get born. 


12:56:39 PM    comment []