Updated: 11/27/09; 8:38:42 AM.
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"THE FOCUS OF DIGITAL MEDIA" - Gary Santoro and Mediaburn.net

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Elect an Iraq War Veteran to Congress
Dear Gary,

Send an Iraq War Veteran to Congress

Paul Hackett knows what's at stake for all Americans.

As a major in the United States Marine Corps, he left his wife and children in Ohio to serve in Iraq. Paul opposed the war from the beginning, but he answered the call to duty and served his commander in chief in Falluja.

Now he needs your help to get to Congress. Last March, President Bush appointed Hackett's Republican congressman to the post of U.S. Trade Representative -- setting up a special election. Paul saw his chance, and decided to run for Congress to combat right-wing extremism here at home.

This race represents a tremendous opportunity and an important first step toward taking back Congress in 2006. The special election is being held on August 2, 2005. This is an election we can win, but Paul Hackett needs your help to do it:


Hoping to tighten their grip on power in Washington, Republicans have recruited a candidate whose extreme views reflect loyalty to the White House and not to the voters in Ohio. As president of Greater Cincinnati Right to Life, Hackett's opponent is already an active member of the conservative crusade to erode reproductive rights -- as well as a staunch supporter of a state legislative bill encouraging the display of the Ten Commandments in Ohio's public schools.

Unlike Republicans in Washington, Hackett has the experience to bring the war in Iraq to a swift and secure resolution. America needs socially progressive, fiscally responsible leadership -- and that's why we need Paul Hackett in Congress. He supports measures to promote small business growth and sustainable environmental policy. We are proud to add him to the DFA-List.


By electing Hackett, we can score a victory for progressive values and give Iraq war veterans their first voice in Congress. This is an uphill battle in the heart of Ohio, but it's an election we can win if we give Hackett the resources he needs -- and this election will bring us one step closer to taking our country back in 2006 and 2008.


Thanks for helping our next generation of leaders succeed.


Jim Dean

PS: Paul would be the first Iraq War veteran to serve in Congress. And he's a Democrat. Think about the message that would send, and contribute what you can.

10:52:34 PM    

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iTunes at 500 Million
iTunes Music Store Downloads Top Half a Billion Songs. Music fans have purchased and downloaded more than half a billion songs from the iTunes Music Store. The 500 millionth song, Faith Hill's "Mississippi Girl," was purchased yesterday by Amy Greer from Lafayette, Indiana, and as the grand prize winner she will receive 10 iPods to share with family and friends, an iTunes gift card for 10,000 songs and an all-expenses paid trip for four to see Coldplay on their world tour. [Jul 18, 2005] [Apple Hot News]
8:14:59 AM    

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From July 15th, Poligraf
Birthday C'est aujourd'hui le 80ème anniversaire de naissance de ma mère. Je me prépare à partir pour un court séjour à Rivière-du-Loup où se dérouleront les célébrations.

Lundi, je me suis rendu l'Assemblée Nationale avec quelques amis pour une visite des lieux et de l'exposition "Les parlementaires à travers le miroir de la caricature". Je vous propose un bref compte-rendu visuel :

Mardi soir, le DBFC a arraché un verdict nul au Liquor Store sur le tout dernier jeu de la rencontre pour porter à 5 sa série de matchs sans défaite. Détails à venir.

Mercredi soir, les membres de Poligraf ont commencé la soirée en effectuant les derniers ajustements à l'installation qui nous permettra d'enregistrer chacune de nos répétitions. Ensuite, nous nous sommes affairés à décortiquer "Reinfused" pour en éliminer les irritants. Et comme à l'habitude, la rencontre s'est terminée par une improvisation.

J'ai assisté à la performance de Porcupine Tree hier soir au Parc de la Francophonie. Comme je n'avais pas entendu les récents albums, le matériel présenté hier soir m'était inconnu, et je dois avouer que je n'ai pas été particulièrement enchanté par ce que j'ai entendu, mis à part quelques segments de "Arriving Somewhere But Not Here". Bref, en ce qui me concerne, un bon spectacle offert par des musiciens sans aucun doute compétents, mais rien de magique.

Du côté de Weed, mon attention a été redirigée par les répercussions de la récente publication du formulaire de soumission. Pour faire une histoire courte, j'ai été amené à revoir la façon dont je traite les requêtes, et je n'ai pas complété l'outil d'administration tel que je l'avais prévu. Je m'y remet dès mon retour.

Pendant que j'y pense, voici, pour la postérité, le thème "Fly" :

Taylor Hall :

In the Center of the Trapezium :

Sunrise Over Kilimanjaro :

- poligraf [The Daily Poligraf]
8:08:30 AM    

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