Monday, April 26, 2004

Exactly how successful will the Texas Rangers need to be before it's clear that they are a complete test of The Ewing Theory? Is first place at the end of April after a 20 game swing through their division enough? I would argue it was. We lost A-Rod, the best player in baseball, and suddenly the Rangers are playing like winners. They haven't been 2 games above .500 since 2000. They haven't been 3 games above .500 since 1999 and nobody remembers that anyway. This is some amazing stuff.

And let's not forget, the last time A-Rod got traded, that team (Seattle) went to the playoffs the very next year. If that happens to the lowly Rangers, we're going to have to rename this theory to "The A-Rod-Ewing Theory." Poetic justice possibility? The Rangers make the playoffs and the Yankees don't. How great would that be?
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