
Welcome to the Oddblog, where we prattle on incessantly about bug fixes, feature additions and all things Oddpost. Use the calendar to navigate to a particular day's news. Click on "comment" to tell us how it all makes you feel. And remember: if there are no announcements on a given day, it does in fact mean that we were out blowing your subscriber dollars on handcrafted doilies and pink champagne.


Wednesday, August 07, 2002

Ever had one of those days when you open up an email, and for some reason the font of the entire Oddpost user interface suddenly changes? Well that's fixed.
comment [] 1:24:24 PM    

Preferences o' plenty. You can now go to File->Preferences... and control whether the sender of a message is automatically added to your address book when you reply to their email. You can also control whether the original text of an email is included when you reply. You can probably think of many, many more preferences for us to add. We have thought of all of these, plus twelve more. Popcorn!
comment [] 1:24:22 PM    

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August 2002
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