
Welcome to the Oddblog, where we prattle on incessantly about bug fixes, feature additions and all things Oddpost. Use the calendar to navigate to a particular day's news. Click on "comment" to tell us how it all makes you feel. And remember: if there are no announcements on a given day, it does in fact mean that we were out blowing your subscriber dollars on handcrafted doilies and pink champagne.


Tuesday, August 20, 2002

Having suffered endless complaints about PayPal, we've officially switched to taking subscriptions via Authorize.Net. Now there's no payment signup process at all. Pudding cups!
comment [] 3:00:55 PM    

Haters of the Message Pane rejoice! Pane visibility and size are both now saved between sessions. What more could you ask for? Window position and size perhaps? Hang on a sec...OK, that's done too.
comment [] 12:41:57 AM    

You know that bug where you open a message into its own window, then in the main application window you select a different message, then you return to the message that's in its own window, then you hit the reply button, and then you observe that the text of the message is all wrong? Didn't think so. Nevertheless, it's fixed, and another baby step is taken on the road to electronic mail perfection.
comment [] 12:36:47 AM    

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