
Welcome to the Oddblog, where we prattle on incessantly about bug fixes, feature additions and all things Oddpost. Click "comments" to add your two cents, unless those two cents are a bug report or feature request, in which case we kindly request that you email bugs@oddpost.com or features@oddpost.com. Finally, note that if there are no announcements on a given day, it does in fact mean we were out blowing your subscriber dollars on handcrafted doilies and pink champagne.


Tuesday, October 22, 2002

While many of you wrote in to express your joy over the new Ask Me When I Send an Email to Addresses Not Currently in My Address Book Whether I Would Like to Add Those Addresses to My Address Book feature, a handful of malcontents begged to differ. One subscriber went so far as to accuse us of trending toward use of "pop-ups." What-ever! Before the days of the X10, a dialog box was called a dialog box, and [Remainder of this post deleted by moderator. Please note that in File->Settings->Miscellaneous you can now set whether you would like to be prompted to add new addresses to your address book, or have them never added, or always added. Can you feel The Love? May The Love prove worthy of your approbation.].
comment [] 10:30:38 PM    

We are deeply ashamed to admit that two of our latest features, distribution lists and multiple external email account access, did not react well to the presence of that sadly extant beast known as Internet Explorer 5.0. In fact, if you clicked on this or that button, the browser would crash, and (one moment, the telephone, it is ringing). Yes, now as we were saying, IE 5.0, new features, crashing, et cetera et cetera. In summary, this is now fixed. Thank you (where you == the 13.03% of our subscribers using IE 5.0) for your patience.
comment [] 10:14:18 PM    

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