
Welcome to the Oddblog, where we prattle on incessantly about bug fixes, feature additions and all things Oddpost. Click "comments" to add your two cents, unless those two cents are a bug report or feature request, in which case we kindly request that you email bugs@oddpost.com or features@oddpost.com. Finally, note that if there are no announcements on a given day, it does in fact mean we were out blowing your subscriber dollars on handcrafted doilies and pink champagne.


Wednesday, November 06, 2002

If there is anything sweeter in this world than Oddpost now having its very own Favorites icon, we don't know what it is, and we don't want you to tell us what it is, by clicking right here:
comment [] 7:39:57 PM    

It's happened dozens of times. You're reading an email, and you say to yourself, "If only I knew this message's content transfer encoding..." You look around for a menu command, and finding nothing, curse us under your breath (and/or write to us repeatedly). Well you'll have to find something else to hate about Oddpost now, because as of today the Message menu includes the three sweetest words in the English language: View Full Headers. The command is also available via a right-click in the message table. P.S. For reasons not worth discussing, you won't find the View Full Headers command when you open a message into its own window, but nobody does that anyway, right? No? Not right? OK, we'll get it in there faster than you can say this.
comment [] 7:26:47 PM    

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