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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

Like Minds, Like Mine Ad (WMV movie file)
During the next three months, we will feature a series of TV Ads developed in New Zealand by the Like Minds, Like Mine programme. This highly successful anti discrimination programme has been very effective in presenting to the people of New Zealand how mental health problems affect many of our neighbors and friends. You can see the first of the three ads about Lana on our IIMHL website via the link above. It may take some time to download this file especially if you are not using a DSL line. These ads are the most recognizable component of the five year campaign. I encourage you to visit their web site where you can download a copy of their 2003-2005 national plans.

daily link  Friday, March 05, 2004

Like Minds, Like Mine National Plan 2003-2005 (New Zealand)
A report, in Adobe Acrobat format, from "the on-line information and resource centre for the Project to Counter Stigma and Discrimination associated with Mental Illness" in New Zealand.  
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The Fiscal Effects of Welfare Reform: State Social Service Spending Before and After Welfare Reform
A May 2003 report, in Adobe Acrobat format, available at the Open Minds web site - " This study addresses how state spending on social services has changed since the advent of welfare reform, using detailed survey data from 16 states and the District of Columbia for state fiscal year 1995, and for fiscal years 1999 and 2000. This allows us to compare spending before Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) was adopted in the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act (PRWORA) of 1996 with spending after TANF and PRWORA."  
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New York Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Mental Health Services
A report, in Adobe Acrobat format, made available through the Open Minds web site - " This Statewide Comprehensive Plan for Mental Health Services 2004-2008 is prepared in compliance with Mental Hygiene Law, Section 5.07. It represents a continuation of the Office of Mental Health’s commitment to insure that New Yorkers have appropriate access to the highest possible quality of mental health care. The Plan represents a departure from previous documents in two important respects. First, it combines future planning directions as required by statute with a description of agency progress during the period 2001-2003. Second, it encompasses a broad range of topics beyond the scope of services to adults with serious mental illness and children with serious emotional disorders."  
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Managed Care Steps Outside Its Traditional Role to Help Patients & Control Treatment Cost
An article from the November 2003 Open Minds newsletter that is now available at no charge at their web site - "The greatest challenge facing the health care industry today is escalating costs. PacifiCare Behavioral Health (PBH) takes an approach that runs contrary to many in the managed care industry. The company believes in ensuring its members receive both the right type and right amount of care from those clinicians who have demonstrated the best outcomes. This puts the focus on care – not costs. PBH calls this approach Best Care. Paradoxically, the result is lower treatment cost, which ultimately contributes to more manageable rates for the health care purchaser..."  
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Grassroots campaign seeks to combat disparities
Article in the latest APA Monitor - "APA's Public Policy Office (PPO) launched a coordinated grassroots advocacy campaign with the APA Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) last fall that focuses on new racial and ethnic health-disparities legislation. What sets this campaign apart is its emphasis on developing relationships with members of Congress, both within and outside the Beltway, in their home states..."  
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Pavlovian psychopharmacology
Article in the latest APA Monitor - "New research suggests that, in response to internal cues, the body learns to anticipate and counteract some physiological effects of drugs."  
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Stabilizing Depression in Bipolar Disorder
A new CME unit at Medscape - "Understand the challenges of diagnosing and treating bipolar depression, and review the data on mood stabilizers in its management." [Viewing Medscape resources requires registration, which is free].  
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Anti-depressants 'cause bleeding' (UK)
BBC story - "Elderly people and those with a history of bleeding disorders have been warned of the risk of taking certain types of anti-depressants. Experts say a group of anti-depressants called selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors or SSRIs may predispose some people to internal bleeding. Writing in the Drug and Therapeutic Bulletin, they said the drugs should not be given to 'at risk' groups. The Department of Health said clearer warnings were being considered." See also the press release from the Drug and Therapeutic Bulletin (in Adobe Acrobat format).  
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Depression in Women Can Hurt the Heart
HealthDayNews story at Yahoo - "Women with coronary artery disease who show signs of depression are twice as likely to die as women with coronary artery disease who have no symptoms of depression, says a Duke University Medical Center study. ... 'In our study, when we statistically controlled for the effects of age, as well as the beating capacity of the heart, depressive symptoms still remained an independent predictor of mortality,' Duke psychologist Anastasia Georgiades says in a prepared statement. 'The key question that still remains to be answered is whether or not depression actually can lead to worse outcomes, or whether depression is an indicator, or marker, for some other risk factor,' Georgiades says."  
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New Congressional Caucus Focuses on Addiction, Recovery
Brief item at - "Reps. Jim Ramstad (R-Minn.) and Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) have formed a new Addiction, Treatment and Recovery Caucus in the U.S. House of Representatives, intended to enhance awareness of addiction and educate lawmakers about the challenges associated with accessing treatment and recovery services, the Legal Action Center reported March 2."  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.