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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

InShape (MS Word document)
"In SHAPE is a new wellness program of Monadnock Family Services. The goal of In SHAPE is to improve physical health and quality of life, and reduce the risk of preventable diseases of individuals with severe mental illnesses."

daily link  Wednesday, November 03, 2004

More minority providers means fewer service gaps
Article in the November APA Monitor - "Diversity among health-care providers is linked with greater access to care, satisfaction and choice for minority patients, yet racial and ethnic minorities account for few of the nation's doctors, nurses, dentists and psychologists, according to a report released in February by the Institute of Medicine (IOM)."  
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Psychologists knock down practice barriers
Article in the November APA Monitor reviewing state advocacy for access to psychological services - "States made significant progress this year in maintaining and improving practice opportunities for psychologists, both in terms of new professional roles like prescriptive privileges and by increasing and protecting insurance coverage for psychological services..."  
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Psychology joins class action lawsuit against managed care
Article in the November APA Monitor - "Organized psychology recently became involved in class action litigation against 63 Blue Cross and Blue Shield companies. The plaintiffs in this case--all nonphysician health-care professionals and associations that represent them--allege that managed-care companies conspired to reduce and delay payments to health-care providers..."  
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Protecting participants
Article in the Novemner  Monitor - "University officials charged with protecting human research participants face a tall order: design a system that meets federal regulations, safeguards participants and shields the institution from legal liability without stymieing investigators who are conducting valuable studies. But a growing organization, the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP), believes it can help. Founded in 2001 by a group of primarily biomedical nonprofits, but including the Consortium of Social Science Associations--of which APA is a member--AAHRPP certifies human protection programs including institutional review boards (IRBs). These federally mandated ethics committees oversee any research requiring human participants..."  
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Changes prompted by mental health services review (New Zealand)
Wairarapa Times-Age story - "Wairarapa District Health Board chief executive David Meates is the first to agree that mental health services in the region are fragmented and says this is why there are changes afoot. The fragmented services and the urgent need for one accessible phone number for Wairarapa were highlighted in a regional Mental Health Strategy in August this year. The report confirmed that mental health services were stretched and had struggled to stay clinically and financially viable."  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.