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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

InShape (MS Word document)
"In SHAPE is a new wellness program of Monadnock Family Services. The goal of In SHAPE is to improve physical health and quality of life, and reduce the risk of preventable diseases of individuals with severe mental illnesses."

daily link  Thursday, November 11, 2004

Public Perceptions Of Cost Containment Strategies: Mixed Signals For Managed Care
Article in Health Affairs (Adobe Acrobat format) - "With health care costs, and insurance premiums in particular, escalating rapidly, we may see the reintroduction of utilization management strategies associated with managed care, which seemed destined for oblivion only a short time ago. Results from a survey to assess Americans’ views of managed care cost containment strategies indicate mixed support: Despite an overall lack of confidence in managed care, Americans appear to be receptive to specific managed care practices. Those designing cost containment strategies must find a balance between imposing restrictions that moderate use and hold down costs and allowing consumers to retain some control over their own health care."  
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Bipolar disorder not crippling, Statscan reports (Canada)
Story in the Globe and Mail - "The vast majority of Canadians living with bipolar disorder, a severe mental illness, are high-functioning individuals who hold down full-time jobs, according to new research from Statistics Canada. The data, which were collected as part of a landmark survey on mental health, shatters long-held perceptions about a condition that can lead to alternating bouts of mania and depression." See also the full article from Statistics Canada, Bipolar I disorder, social support and work (Adobe Acrobat format).  
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Michigan Senate passes mental health reform legislation
Detroit Free Press story - "A mentally ill person who's been hospitalized, jailed or has a violent history could be ordered to receive outpatient treatment if they refuse to comply with their prescribed treatment under legislation approved Wednesday by the state Senate. The measures also would let a person designate a patient advocate to make mental health treatment decisions for him or her in the future -- much like what is already done for physical health decisions."  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.