May 2005
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IIMHL Update is researched,
edited and designed
by Bill Davis.

For information about the International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership, please contact Fran Silvestri.

"Action Methods for Healing the Effects of Trauma" ( MS Word format).
In this issue we are featuring a brief article from Mario Cossa about how Action Methods, that range of expressive therapies that include psychodrama and drama therapy, dance / movement therapy and music therapy are ideally suited to working with trauma survivors. Mario Cossa is a psycho dramatist, drama therapist and drama educator who offers training in the USA, Canada, the UK, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. His workshop "Befriending Your Amygdala" puts neurobiology into action together with addressing the effects of secondary traumatisation on human service workers. You can contact Mario at

daily link  Thursday, May 12, 2005

New Panel Will Study Medicaid With Eyes Toward Big Changes New York Times story - "The Bush administration will create an advisory panel to recommend big changes in Medicaid eligibility and benefits and in the financing of the program, administration officials said Wednesday. By Sept. 1, the panel is to recommend ways to save $10 billion in Medicaid, the federal-state program that insures more than 50 million low-income people. A charter establishing the commission says that by Dec. 31, 2006, it will make 'longer-term recommendations on the future of the Medicaid program.' The commission will have up to 15 voting members and 18 nonvoting members. The voting members will all be appointed by Michael O. Leavitt, the secretary of health and human services. Mr. Leavitt rejected bipartisan Congressional pleas for an independent commission under the auspices of the National Academy of Sciences." [Viewing New York Times resources requires registration, which is free].  
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Majorities of the Public Believe Several Mental Health Conditions Are More Common Among Children and Adolescents Today than They Were 10 Years Ago PR Newswire story at Yahoo - "Majorities of U.S. adults believe that mental health conditions such as depression (71%), attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) (63%), anxiety disorders (63%) and eating disorders (62%) are more common among children and teens today than they were 10 years ago. Nearly half (47%) believe that learning disabilities are more common and more than one-third (36%) believe autism is more common among children and teens today. These are some of the results of a Harris Interactive® online survey of 2,102 U.S. adults conducted between April 26 and 28, 2005 for The Wall Street Journal Online's Health Industry Edition."  
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Copyright 2003 © Bill Davis.

IIMHL Update is a project done in collaboration with MHCA and the Centre for Community Change International. IIMHL Update is powered by Radio Userland.