PSquad's Corner

PSquad's Corner

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Saturday, January 04, 2003

OSWorkflow 2.5 is coming right along. The biggest thing that will be in this release will be query support. I've already got it implemented in the MemoryWorkflowStore and it is demonstrated in the example web app (which btw, will also be beefed up in the next release). I'm not entirely sure how dynamic queries can be implemented in EJB -- this is a tough problem. JDBC and Ofbiz won't be very hard at all, however.

This brings me to another idea: what about using Lucene for workflow queries? Is that even possible? Could a query like, "find me all workflows where bob is the owner of the current step 'Review'"? My main problem is the relationship between a Workflow entry and it's steps might be hard to feed to Lucene:

One WorkflowEntry has many CurrentSteps and also has many HistorySteps. Not sure how Lucene could handle this... or maybe I'm asking too much.

12:58:51 PM    comment []

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